January Chronological Bible Readings

In the beginning God…

In The Beginning, God...Welcome to the Chronological Bible In A Year readings for January.

As we embark on our spiritual journey through the Bible chronologically, our prayer is that it not become just another box to check off of our ‘To Do’ list. Reading God’s Word is simply one way in which we draw closer to God. Father in Heaven, as we read your Word, allow us to hear your voice speaking directly to us. Through your Holy Spirit, provide us with the wisdom to understand the unique message that you have in store for each and every one of us. May your Word fill our hearts with joy and be the light that guides our lives. Speak Lord; your servants are listening.

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The chronological reading plan contains the entire text of the bible arranged in the order the events actually occurred. This unique viewpoint allows you to read the whole Bible as a single story and to see the unfolding of God’s plan in history. Please note that the one year chronological reading plan is based upon The One Year® Chronological Bible NLT published by Tyndale House Publishers and may not necessarily match other bible translations or other publishers one year reading plans, for example, there are reading plan variations between the NLT & NIV translations. See this page for details.

Click the date to open the daily chronological page.

January 1st
GENESIS 1:1-3:24
January 2nd
GENESIS 4:1-5:32
GENESIS 6:1-22
January 3rd
GENESIS 7:1-10:5
GENESIS 10:6-20
GENESIS 10:21-30
1 CHRONICLES 1:17-23
GENESIS 10:31-32
January 4th
GENESIS 11:1-26
1 CHRONICLES 1:24-27
GENESIS 11:27-31
GENESIS 12:1-14:24
January 5th
GENESIS 15:1-17:27
January 6th
GENESIS 18:1-21:7
January 7th
GENESIS 21:8-23:20
GENESIS 24:1-67
January 8th
GENESIS 25:1-4
1 CHRONICLES 1:32-33
GENESIS 25:5-6
GENESIS 25:12-18
1 CHRONICLES 1:28-31
GENESIS 25:19-26
GENESIS 25:7-11
January 9th
GENESIS 25:27-28:5
January 10th
GENESIS 28:6-30:24
January 11th
GENESIS 30:25-31:55
January 12th
GENESIS 32:1-35:27
January 13th
GENESIS 36:1-19
1 CHRONICLES 1:35-37
GENESIS 36:20-30
1 CHRONICLES 1:38-42
GENESIS 36:31-43
1 CHRONICLES 1:43-2:2
January 14th
GENESIS 37:1-38:30
GENESIS 39:1-23

January 15th
GENESIS 40:1-23
GENESIS 35:28-29
GENESIS 41:1-57
January 16th
GENESIS 42:1-45:15
January 17th
GENESIS 45:16-47:27
January 18th
GENESIS 47:28-50:26
January 19th
JOB 1:1-4:21
January 20th
JOB 5:1-7:21
January 21st
JOB 8:1-11:20
January 22nd
JOB 12:1-14:22
January 23rd
JOB 15:1-18:21
January 24th
JOB 19:1-21:34
January 25th
JOB 22:1-25:6
January 26th
JOB 26:1-29:25
January 27th
JOB 30:1-31:40
January 28th
JOB 32:1-34:37
January 29th
JOB 35:1-37:24
January 30th
JOB 38:1-40:5
January 31st
JOB 40:6-42:17